There are tons of coupons stacks available right now for Target. If you're new to this a "stack" is using a manufacturer coupon and target coupon together for one item. I put the stacks together that I might want to use - if the price is right - and headed off to Target.
$2 total stack for A1
$3 total stack/2 lunchables with fruit
$2 total stack Snackwell's popcorn (dying to try these!)
$2 total stack for Newtons Fruit Thins
$3 total stack/2 Ritz Crackerfuls
$5 total stack for Nivea Lotion
$6 total stack for Nivea Cellulite Lotion
$4.50 total stack/2 Pantene
$3 total stack for Nivea lotion
$1 off Shout = Free travel shout wipes
So here is what I came home with.
Ritz Crackerfuls
$2.40 each
$3 stack = $1.80 for 2
$2 stack = .79
Sweet Baby Ray's BBQ sauce
$1 MQ = .25
Charmin Wipes (we were out)
$1 MQ = $1.99
Bertolli pasta sauce (all out - how did that happen?)
$1.99 each
$1/2 TQ = $2.98 for 2
Shout Wipes
$1 MQ = Free
Up&Up Liners (adding to stockpile)
.75 TQ = .14
Retail cost = $17.67
Total cost after coupons = $7.95
There are several other great deals using the stacks that I have but I like to wait until the product is on sale for maximum savings. If it doesn't go on sale and the coupon is going to expire I have to decide if it is worth it or if I should let it pass. For example, the $4.50 Pantene stack is a great deal if you use Pantene but I already have a full stockpile of shampoo/conditioner so I'm not going to use it. If you want them just let me know, I'll send them your way.