Noah is now one month old and there are a few items that make my life easier. I have to thank several of my blogger friends for sharing their favorite baby items which have also become some of my favorites.
For instance, MAM pacifiers. I've tried 5 different brands of pacifiers - all of which he spits out immediately - so I bought MAM pacifiers after reading several posts raving them and he took it right away. THANK GOODNESS! Finally peace and quiet in the car. The kid hates being in his car seat. It also works great for nap time and in the middle of the night when he's trying to use me as a pacifier.
For sleeping:
Swaddle blankets
I love the Aden + Anais muslin blankets available at Target and the Halo sleepsack. Noah gives me about 4 hours of sleep when he's swaddled in the Halo. The muslin blankets are perfect for nursing, trips out of the house, and covering his car seat.
Fisher Price Infant to Toddler Rocker
Noah naps in this rocker and even sleeps in it some nights. He's not a fan of laying flat quite yet but we are working on it.

MAM pacifiers

For nursing:
Nipple Shield
The worst pain I've felt in a long long time is the deep crack in my right nipple. It's gotten worst over the past week and a couple of nights ago it became unbearable. I finally bought a nipple shield and the pain went from a 9 to a 3. Noah took to it without any problems.

Helped my cracked nipples greatly in just one day.
My poor gassy little guy does so much better if I give him Mylicon with every feeding.
For bathing:
Baby Luve Frog towel
An absolute MUST! My best friend Kim gave this to Noah and he loves bath time because of it. Sure it's just a towel - but it really works. I've tried to use a hand towel and it just doesn't do the trick. Once Noah is in the bath and the frog is on him he closes his eyes and relaxes. You have to get one. I saw them at Walmart for about $10.

Baby Magic
I love the smell of Baby Magic - it's my little secret. Everyone always says, "He smells so good!"
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