
Monday, July 30, 2012

Target Trip (free and cheap items)

It was an eventful day at my Target shopping center. A man being treated for psychiatric care escaped from the nearby hospital and made his way to the rooftop of the Target, Michael's, Marshall's and Pet Smart shopping center and threatened to jump. The stores were closed for the majority of the morning while police officer's negotiated with the mentally ill man. Over eight hours later in 90 degree heat, the man finally climbed down a latter to safety.

I waited until all was clear to make my regular Monday shopping trip. It turned out to be much more successful than I planned. I came home with several free or really cheap items and saved over $30 with coupons.

I used a total of 19 coupons! I'm certain this is the most I've ever used in a trip. Here's a list of a few of the deals.

Pantene Shampoo and Conditioner $3.34 each
Coupons Used:
$3/2 Pantene Product Target Mobile Coupon
$3/2 Pantene Product MQ P&G 7/29
=.68 for both

Tampex Pearl $4.19 each
Coupons Used:
$2.50/2 Tampex Pearl Target Catalina Coupon
$2/1 MQ Tampex Pearl P&G 7/29
$2/1 MQ Tampex Pearl P&G 7/29
=$1.88 for both

Cover Girl Eye Shadow
$2.42 clearance
$3.14 regular price
Coupons Used:
$3/2 MQ Cover Girl Product P&G 7/29
$2/2 TQ from Beauty Bag
=.56 for both

BIC Pens .99 each
$1/2 MQ SmartSource insert 7/29
$1/2 TQ from Back to School Mailer

PaperMate Pens - .94
$1/1 PaperMate Product Target web coupon

Total Cost - $3.12 (less than the cost of one full price Pantene bottle)


Thursday, July 26, 2012

Target 70% Toy Clearance July 2012

The pickens were slim for the annual summer toy clearance at Target. I didn't bring home a haul anything close to last year, but I was still able to find a few things on my list for Christmas.

My favorite item is the vtech talking puzzle marked down from $17.99 to $5.21. I also picked up a vtech ABC Text & Go game system for $4.18, two Belle Squinkies bracelet sets for $1.48, and a $44.38 Mega Bloks play table for $13.31. I noticed many Little People sets, My Little Pony, Barbie's and large play sets marked down to 70% off throughout the aisles.

On facebook this morning I read through several posts from Target shoppers who were waiting around for the mark downs to happen - you don't need to do that. I cruise the aisles for items I want and pile them in my cart. If they haven't been marked down, I take them to a scanning machine. Let's say I have a Princess doll marked as 30% off but it scans 70% off, I can then wait and ask an employee for a red tag sticker, or I can just take it to the register where it will ring up 70% off. If the item doesn't scan any lower, then you'll need to ask an employee to check it for you.

Hope you find some good deals today!

More Toy Clearance posts HERE.


Friday, July 13, 2012

Mellow Yellow: Thrift Store Cabinet Makeover

Our patio cover is finished! Hooray for shade. Especially in this ridiculous heat. We decided to go all the way and add stucco to match the rest of the house which led to the addition of three ceiling fans and two built-in speakers. The new sound system needed a home so I searched high and low for a little cabinet but was unsuccessful. Until I stubbled upon a beat up blue disaster at the thrift store for $6. 
Mr. G thought I had seriously lost it but I saw potential. 

The cabinet is the perfect size for the patio, it just needed some love. And love often comes in a spray paint bottle. 

Here's what to do.
1. Sand the varnish off. I didn't do much, just scuffed it up.
2. Wipe off with a damp cloth and add a coat or two of spray paint. 
3. Allow the paint to completely dry and distress the piece with sand paper. Wipe clean again.
4. Paint on the wood finish and wipe off with a clean rag. 
5. Add new hardware if necessary.

Tip: Don't let the stain sit for too long. I work quickly during this process. It takes less than a minute.

I fell in love with this pot at Ross for only three bucks. It has so much character and the vibrant teal is delicious. I think I found my color palette for the patio decor. To be continued :)


Thursday, July 12, 2012

Gardner Grub - Bacon Wrapped Asparagus

{Bacon Wrapped Asparagus}

Nothing is safe from being paired with bacon when I'm in the kitchen. Asparagus is one of my favorite things to wrap in the salty goodness. When Mr. G plans on grilling I usually prepare this side dish for him to throw on along with the steak, chicken, or salmon. It goes with everything. 

1. Blanch the asparagus in bowling water for 30 seconds
2. Soak them in an ice bath until cooled
3. Coat in olive oil and season with salt and pepper
4. Wrap in bundles of 3-4 with one slice of bacon then roll them in the 
olive oil mixture leftover on the plate.
5. Grill for 15 minutes, making quarter turns. Or until the bacon is cooked.

To be honest, I love the asparagus even more wrapped with prosciutto instead of bacon. It's also easier to prepare because you don't need to cook the prosciutto, just crisp it up. Follow the same steps but adjust your cooking time based on how fast the prosciutto is browning. 
