
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Oh Snap Wednesday {linky} - 8/24

I turned away for one second...

And accidentally left his bowl of cereal/spinach with him on the high chair.
Classic mistake.

The damage was done so I sat back and watched...and laughed...and took pictures.

"I totally got this, mom. You go relax. I'm good here."

"That was awesome!"

{If you noticed the pink Zoe bib - it was the only clean one in the drawer. Sorry, son. But that's what happens when you have a big sister.}

Growing Up Gardner
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  1. Oh My! What a mess....but so adorable! ;)

  2. So adorable...I love baby food messes! Really I do :)
    New follower from WW!

  3. LOL!! Oh my goodness! My OCD just went nuts when I saw that - but it's bound to happen to us sometime, because Colin tries to grab EVERYTHING in sight. I've tried giving him a spoon with baby food on it to see if he'll feed himself, and he just bangs it on the tray of his high chair. Silly boys!!

  4. LOL!! That is really cute, how can you be mad right? Love it! (I totally cracked up at your Zoe bib insert, too! funny!)

  5. I have black and white phots of my kids doing that when they were super young - I framed them and are in kitchen :) Hope you have time to stop by today.

  6. Ha ha what a great memory! :-) I love it! New follower here! :-)

  7. Love it! I'm sure he went straight to the tub when he was finished! And Colson lays on pink blankets and has occasionally worn pink bibs. Hopefully our boys won't hold it against us when they are older. :oP

  8. So. adorable.

    Glad you took pictures and delayed the clean-up! :)

  9. LOL, these pictures made me smile. So much can happen in that one second, huh?

  10. Hello!
    I started following you from the Finding New Friends Weekend Blog Hop - Week 21! I am a part of the blog hop. :)
    I'm following your site, Google Friend Connect, Facebook, Twitter, Networked Blogs, etc. if applicable!
    Have a great weekend!

    -Courtney P.

    P.S. He's too dang cute!! And the turning around for a couple seconds thing is what I have to look forward to since I have a 5 month old! Haha. :)
