
Sunday, July 24, 2011

A Piggy With Personality

Yesterday my mom bought Noelle a Paint-It-Yourself piggy bank. I've been meaning to get one as a decoration for her room, I just haven't gotten around to it. You know how that goes. I love the cute dressed up piggy banks that they have at Target - I once saw an adorable vintage flapper piggy. When Noelle proudly showed me her new piggy bank I immediately saw all the potential it had.

I can paint a little tutu on it and make it a ballerina piggy. Or paint a saddle on the back and make it a cowgirl piggy. Or a princess piggy....

"Mom, can I paint my pig now?"
"How about tomorrow, honey. It's late.

6:30 a.m. I hear my bedroom door open. "Mom! Can I paint my pig now?"
I roll off the bed, trying not to wake up baby brother. 
We walk into the playroom - she puts on her Rapunzel dress - and I get the piggy out of the box.

"Can mommy help you? I can paint a ballerina piggy!" (using my most convincing voice)
"No. I want to do it by myself."

 I opened up the paint and handed her the paint brush, relinquishing all my ideas for the piggy. As much as I wanted to make a cute little decoration for her room, I knew she would love painting it herself. And I always encourage her to be creative.

"What color do you want to use first?"

the poor piggy looked like it had been slaughtered.

 I was happy when she decided it needed more color.

She is so proud of her piggy.

A Noelle original. 

And much more interesting than a ballerina piggy.


  1. Oh I love this!! So cute! do you know where she got it? my son would love it!

  2. Just catching up here and wanted to say that I love your blog and congrats on making it to the 20,000+ mark. That IS a big deal! I remember reading when you first started ;)

    And I love Noelle's piggy bank - it's absolutely adorable. I'm going to have to keep myself in check because I know I'll have lots of my own ideas about how Isla should do things ;) but the results of *handing over that brush* are so fun! I bet she's so proud of it!

  3. Such a cute piggy, she did a great job. I started making my own little projects with the kids so I would stop trying to do theirs. I always get over it way before they do but get to try what little creative ideas I have.

  4. Hi Jill! She actually got it on the base at the Navy Exchange. You might have some luck at Michael's or JoAnn's.

  5. Such an adorable piggy bank! My hands would itch not to interfere, so I would probably run and buy one myself. But it has turned out to be a very artsy piggy! It's great!!
