
Saturday, August 20, 2011

1st Time to the Dentist!

Noelle had her first trip to the Dentist and she did fantastic, as I knew she would. I did a couple of things to prepare her for the appointment. First, I bought her a new Ariel battery-powered toothbrush. She absolutely loves that thing - she brushes several times a day with it. If we would have stuck with a manual toothbrush there is no way that she would have let a stranger stick a buzzing, rotating metal rod in her mouth. No chance. She also started to let me floss her teeth.
Second, I showed her a few pictures online of kids at the dentist. I used google images. That way she had an idea of what to expect.
Lastly, I bribed her with a special treat. :)

I went first and she sat in the corner of the room with a magazine and her Rapunzel doll. I looked over at her a few times and her eyes were as wide as gumballs. She was taking everything in - and loving all of the attention from the office ladies.

When it was her turn she jumped right into the big chair and giggled in anticipation.

Dr. Peterson counted all of her teeth - 20, I believe.

Then Mrs. Stephanie cleaned her teeth. Noelle did not care for the watermelon flavor.
"It's crunchy!"

The "sucky straw" was pretty cool.

I could tell she was getting a little anxious so I rubbed her legs during the cleaning.

Mrs. Stephanie finished with a good flossing and Noelle was done!

A Beautiful Smile!
(she chipped her front tooth by falling on a water bottle when she was 18 months old)

Noelle got to pick a few treasures from the pirate ship. She chose a notepad and a bracelet. 

We'll be back in 6 months!
Way to go, Princess!
You make me so proud.


  1. Wow! I feel like doing well at the dentist is a milestone! Go Noelle!

  2. That's great advice for a first trip! At our 18 month check they recommend to start going for "happy visits" so they get used to the dentist now. I think I'll start that and my little guy already loves to brush his teeth and says "ahhh" very well!

    Nurse Loves Farmer

  3. I am following your adorable blog! You have such a sweet family!

    Thanks for doing the same for me. :)

  4. Way to go, little N! She is so sweet :)

  5. Awwww, so sweet--glad she did so well! My third child just had his first dentist visit and did great too--also 20 teeth and a front one that is chipped--but thanks to the toilet after slipping during a water fight in the bathroom with his brother! ;)

    New follower via Super Stalker Sunday! :)


  6. What a sweet little girl! And brave, too! :)

  7. Hi!!! I'm stopping by from the Super Stalker Sunday! Thanks so much for linking up with us this weekend! I hope you have had a great weekend and I look forward to stalking with you again next weekend!!

    Kortney @ Kortney's Krazy Life

  8. Those pictures are precious! I'm nominating you for the Versatile Blogger Award! :) To find out more, click here:

  9. Great job big girl! Love the Little Mermaid toothbrush and pirate ship!

  10. Well, that's fantastic! It's a smart idea to make the kids get used to the dentist and things related to dentistry. That way, they can feel prepared for the big day and it hopefully won't be troublesome for them. The first visit is a milestone, so good job!
